Thursday, March 10, 2011

TN has been rainy- not like "flood rainy" like last year, just regular ol' spring rain. It just seems like a lot because we are both soo ready to be outside for spring/ summer... Today was 65ish but it had rained all afternoon and when we returend from the grocery store he was begging to play outside....
We had 2 really good puddles in the front yard by the walkway (don't look at how yucky the yard looks!) WDP would start in the back corner and just take off running for the puddles and then...
SPLASH!!!!!! even the mower got in on the muddy fun...

He was covered in mud- the kind of "straight to the bathtub mud and then mommy has to clean the tub" dirty. He loved it. It was so fun to see him just being all boy....


jennifer said...

William and I did that last year in the rain! Isn't it such fun to see little boys just get to act like little boys?!

KatieKate said...

Aw, so fun!!! Ry had a puddle day yesterday, too. It was worth it just to see her happy face :)

Anonymous said...

I looked for this on my blog.... ;)

too cute!

Byerly said...

Boys are just so fun! The pure joy they get from such simple things....William is so handsome!