Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Well, it's official, Chad and I have been married for four years today- he put up with me being pregnant and tired..then me with a newborn, new job, and tired- he's the best. I can't believe it's been four years since we walked down the "aisle" in LasVegas- it's one of my students favorite stories about me. They hear Vegas and think 1) how can my dorky science teacher be cool enough to get married in Vegas and 2) we eloped- nope, just a fun destination wedding.

I loved my dress- it was cheap, and it was the first one I tried on and I loved it...I still do. If it would fit I would wear it today! The day was perfect...except windy :-)

We had awesome invitations from Hatch Show print- the same cool place that did WDP's baby announcements. This one is framed in the living room.... We had some family and some friends on board to help us say "I do."
Elvis, yes, an Elvis married us, kept calling Chad by his last name and I was too embarrassed to correct him so I said I Jennifer take you Perry and people laughed. If I had to do it all over again I would marry Perry :-) again in Vegas exactly as we did. So fun to remember that day....I can't wait to tell WDP all about it when he's older.

why is this picture tiny, but the rest are large???? sometimes I do not like blogger....

I love you Chadwick! you are the best and most handsome husband I could have- in your tux or sleeping with the baby... you are my dreamboy. Happy 4th Anniversary!!!!


Sunday Grant Photography said...

I LOVE IT.......ALL!!!
people call Worth, Grant all the time!

Unknown said...

happy anniversary. 4 years, that's great. what a pretty bride you are. love the whole theme.

Melanie said...

Congrats on 4 beautiful years...and now a sweet little one to share it with!

KatieKate said...

ALright. It's official. I have a crush on you. HOW AWESOME are those invitations??? And the kooky wedding pastor? And VEGAS???

You are now my hero.
Happy Anniversary.

The Colorado Carrs said...

Awww I was so sad I couldnt be there. I still have your invite hanging in the Guest room. I think its so cool!!!

Happy 4!!!

The Colorado Carrs said...

oh and what about the pink converse...that was my favorite!

Elizabeth said...

I love your story! I never knew that about you! Awesome! Congrats and Happy 4th!

Kim said...

I love it! Happy Anniversary!

Byerly said...

So sweet! We have the opposite name problem. People call us the Corbin's instead of the Graves'. We don't correct them either.

The Porters said...

Happy Anniversary! Super cool pictures!

MJG said...

Your wedding invitation is still my favorite of all time! I can't believe it's been 4 years already. That sounds like I'm signing your high school yearbook. LYLAS.