Well, I was really going to try and keep this updated....
Soccer is going well. WDP's loving it. We moved to a new house in Nashville- Rainbow Place is our street name- pretty prophetic I'd say :-) I love it. It's just a little rental but it has a great yard- William's swingset is there and the neighbors are great. It'll be a nice place to start rebuilding for the two of us.- Oh and it's only 5 minutes from work- gotta love that! Speaking of my job- it is amazing. I say it's Disney World for teachers.
William has had an ear infection since his 3year old checkup...we have antibiotics almost every 12 days :-( We tried going in for tubes. The ENT discovered a congenital cholesteatoma. We're having surgery Dec 9 to remove it. The hearing bones may come out with it. He is essentially deaf in the right ear. Hearing may return when the choleteatoma is removed- they're not sure. The surgeon we're seeing is apparently "the guy" for these and he's conveniently located in Nashville- yeah!
William and I went to the symphony Saturday morning. My first time in the Nashville Symphony . He loved it...and as soon as he saw the restroom he decided to go "poopie" and wanted some "piewiasee"....privacy.... this kid loves to poop in nice places...ahhh, love my little boy!!!!
Aw, poor little man. And, poor mamma! Here's praying the surgery goes well and everything returns to normal.
Love that you're living in Rainbow Place :)
came to check after way too long and sad to hear about williams ear trouble. i hope the surgery works. glad you guys found a great new house, sounds awesome! rainbows.... nothing better!
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