Sunday, August 10, 2008

County Fair

William ended his big week with a trip to the County fair- it was one of those odd summer days with low humidity and the temperature was only 85- which is a dream come true in August! So we headed out to the Ag center to catch some Hog racing, Ultimate Air Dog Show (we missed it) BMX biking, Little Ones Farming, and other fair fun. We thought William would just love all the action. As you can see from the pictures it was so exciting he slept almost the entire time! We took pictures of him "doing" activities- maybe next year he'll be more excited! BioTN exhibit.... for my little future scientist :-)

His sun hat is an XS and still a touch too big...

Checking out the John Deere display

Little Ones Farming Exhibit

Having fun on the Midway

baby William checking out the TX longhorn champion

The Hogway Midway- Hog, goat & duck racing

On another note, he's moved up to 3.5oz per feeding- such a hearty eater! We're trying to put him to sleep in the crib tonight...keep your fingers crossed that it works well. he slept for about 20minutes today, until his diaper leaked. We moved up to size 1 from newborn, but the size 1s are soo big on his skinny waist and legs, but newborns are too tight- what a dilemma! I have to go to work tomorrow and could use the rest tonight! It's the first day of school and I'm going to meet all of my students and the long term sub. I won't go back for good until Sept 8, when he starts daycare- so sad!


MJG said...

Sad that you missed the Air Dogs- we saw them at Bele Chere and they were pretty amazing. Clearly, William isn't ready for that kind of action!
Hope your first day of school goes well!

The Colorado Carrs said...

wow WORK ALREADY!!!! tIme flies doesnt it!

Love the fair. Think about how much fun it will be next summer~

Rachael M. said...

LOL at driving the tractor.

Your baby is already so well traveled!

Sunday Grant Photography said...

you are the fastest thank you letter writer in the whole world!!!! i love that you are taking him everywhere. that is so nice that you have another little break before you have to go back to work. can't wait to hear how today went.

Callie said...

Future Scientist!!!! He is going to be a musical scientist. Haha. rocks!! Bring him here!!!

Courtney @ Pizzazzerie said...