I can't believe he's 3mo old today! Happy Birthday Sweet baby! Things that are new to baby William:
1)He can stay awake on walks now and LOVES to look around at anything and everything. We're taking the carseat attachment off the stroller so he can sit like a big boy and look around when we're out walking. he looks so tiny in such a big stroller. I'll take some pictures this weekend.
2) He likes you to hold him so he can "stand"- his legs are really strong, it's the arms we need to work on....
3) He's started to coo and ooo in different pitches...well that's what Chad says. I'm not sure what "pitch" means :-)
4) He tries to stick his tongue out at you if you do it first.
5) He hates to have his diaper changed...as in he shrieks hysterically as if you're pulling out his fingernails and stops the second you take him off the changing table.
6) As much as he hates having his diaper changed, he loves having a bath. he loves to flap his little arms in the water. It's sweet.
7) He still doesn't like to sleep through the night, but we get a4 or 5 hour stretch every now and again....
8) He hates it when you multi-task. he likes 100% of our attention, which is OK I guess :-)
Happy Birthday to our sweet 3month old!
happy birthday sweet boy! JT your blog is looking SO good!
you are sweet to say that- I am still ahving trouble dragging stuff around. It will look good and then I upload it and it switches..oh well!
i see you adjusted and changed your blog as well, i like it! i cant believe how big he is getting! i hope you are coming home for one of the upcoming holidays???maybe???eli and cope(mainly eli)misses you two...he is always asking when are we gonna drive to tennessee again, he wants to take jeff up there....and when we see mountains, he says ewww are you taking me to aunt jennys house??anyway wish me luck i am going to applique their shirts for the party....good luck this weekend!
i love this picture of the two of you...
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