Thursday, July 9, 2009


So, I think William is officially a "walker." he still crawls when he needs to get somewhere quick-like if I leave the bathroom door open or the gate to the stairs, but as of today he pretty much walked everywhere. So he's "walking, right? or maybe not, either way it's pretty darn c-u-t-e!We call him our Frankenbaby- like Frankenstein, only he's a baby, so Frankenbaby...logical, right? He walks all "frankenstein-ish" with his arms cute right?????

He has also discovered the joy of getting "into" things- baskets, Huggies boxes, dogbeds, you name it.....

Check out my killer Craigslist find (it's an outside toy in the video and then we move it inside too- perfect!)... this awesome tunnel-slide-thingy with a hole- he'll put things in the hole and climb through the tunnel over and over- What a find... and at $25 the price was right- I LOVE Craigslist! The best part- he'll probably become bored with this in a few months and I bet I can sell it for $25 to some other baby on Craigslist- perfect, right?

I am still astonished that it is almost his birthday- didn't I just blog that I was trying to clean all the windows so my body would think I was nesting and I'd have the baby??? We are gearing up for 2 B-day parties. One in GA with our families and hopefully the Elberton Rutherfords and another in town at our house with our friends...and his, of course! I made a B-day jonjon- good thing he'll only wear it a few times- he's almost outgrown it!!!

Speaking of turning one, I am so confused on the whole "switch to milk" thing...why can he all of a sudden in 2 weeks have milk? and will he continue to drink 4-8oz bottles of milk? I just don't feel like he eats enough "real food" for him to stop formula...we eat an avocado a day ( I know, it's probably too much), zucchini, butternut squash (which you can't buy in the summer, ugh), banana, strawberries, grapes, yogurt, rice/ oatmeal, cheerios, natural/ organic cheese puffs and regular puffs and sweet potatoes....surely that's not a wide enough diet for no formula- he doesn't like meat or cheese- any ideas...suggestions? Help me, please :-)


The Colorado Carrs said...

no amount of Avacado is to much...... deeeelish!!

Rylie totally wants to come play, grass, slide, tunnel, and a double swing set.....H.E.A.V.E.N.

KatieKate said...

Yeah, so the switch to milk thing is hard... not for the kids but for the mom. I had EXACTLY the same fears and questions as you do. She's not going to get enough food!!!

But, he will. His insides can handle real milk now (hence the switch) and he's ready to start eating like a kiddo. So, my humble suggestion, based on what worked for us, ::: a sippy of milk always at the ready for anytime he's thirsty... and water too. Start easing into meal times... breakfast lunch and dinner with snacks in between. He'll be absolutely fine. :)

Rachael said...

They make toddler formula, too, I saw on the enfamil website...if you're worried about nutrition.

big boy!

The Porters said...

Okay! Absolutely love the video! LMBO! He is so cute!

You don't have to post the tunnel on Craigslist, I will buy it! What else are you selling? :-)

Going to pool today!

Sunday Grant Photography said...

i switched bellarose to milk at 11 months. i nursed her til then and i was done. our dr. said at 11 or 12 months she can have milk and i did it the earliest i could! I had been giving her a sippy of water for awhile and she switched no problem. annie always gave me the best advice and reminded me she was a human, ha! it really is true though. he will be great and he will love getting breakfast lunch and dinner now. i give BR milk in the am and pm and if she asks for it. i love seeing him walk!!! he is so good at it too. i would say he is a walker for sure. i can't believe it has already been a year!

The Colorado Carrs said...

We weaned Rylie from formula at 11 months too. We actually mixed it. She wanted nothing to do with milk so we would say for an 8 ounce bottle make 6 ounce of formula and two milk. then the next day 4 ounces of formula and 4 milk and so on until all she was drinking was milk and she didn't even know it. I just was ready to not buy formula. ugh.

He is going to be a.o.k.